JP Gilmore

JP Gilmore

Coach / Self Defense Instructor

460lb Hack Squat

80lb dumbbells jump squat

45lb plate jump up from knees

150lb bent over barbell row


NASM Certified

6th degree black belt in Shotokan Karate

About Coach

After 25+ years in martial arts, I offer a different point of view when it comes to overall fitness. I offer self-defense classes and personalized one-on-one training. I focus on overall muscle endurance, lean muscle gain, and cross-over applications of taught techniques. I will be that trainer who will find your limits, and then help you push past them. I guarantee you will be surprised at what you are actually capable of. Allow me to be the one to prove your own strengths to you!

I was always a genuinely self-motivated person growing up. I enjoyed pushing my body to its limits and then trying to push past them. In my mid 20's I went through a heartbreak and ended up in about a 4 year unmotivated slump. My turning point was a very close friend of mine just reaching a handout. He had gotten into fitness and helped me get past my hard times, mentally and emotionally. I had support that pushed me out of a personal slump and I want to be that support for others now since I know how hard it can be alone. I began my journey by teaching people self-defense while I became certified in fitness so that I could share all my knowledge to help others start and continue their journeys.

I enjoy being the one to show people what they are actually capable of the most. I am very passionate about proving to someone that they actually can do what they want as long as they put in the time, the dedication, and are ready to push themselves. I want to be that support who sees you happy that you achieved your goal!